Saturday, April 25, 2009

The Road Side Musical Guys

It was a late night stroll with a camera at Chandigarh sometime in September 2008... we were divided in three groups one group got into controversy by recoding guys smoking as Chandigarh is a non smoking city.. the other group encountered totally drunk Punjabi mundas with pistols and then there was the third group who just went Walking .....
heard some strumming sound.... followed through the lanes ... and bumped into these college guys sitting by the road side lane, under the yellow street halogen light .. they sang the most amazing song for us which i had ever heard .. it was a himachali folk song and i never got over that moment ...
I dont even remember their face .. i just remember the lights and the strumming and the tune ....
For all of us .. it was one of the best moments which always echos every time we think of our tour across India ....

the song which they sang:

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